Monday, May 18, 2009

Common torrent errors

torrent common errors

1.Problem getting response info - [Errno 2] No such file or directory: "C:\\Documents and Sett..."
sometimes Internet Explorer sometimes doesn't save the torrent file in the Temporary Internet Files directory properly. The solution seems to be to right click on the link and choose Save As..., and save the torrent file to disk, and then double-click the file to launch the client. Clearing the IE cache seems to help if this problem is recurring. It seems to be related to torrent files with square brackets (']' and '[') in the filename.

2.Too many args - 0 max.
This error in indicative of a bad command line. See the section on setting the command line and ensure that the arguments to the BitTorrent program include --responsefile "%1".

3.piece failed hash check, re-downloading it
This is a benign message, you can safely ignore it. It means that you received a piece of the file that didn't check out as being correct, so it will be downloaded again. Probable cause of this might be someone incorrectly using the "skip hash check" option.

4.bad data from tracker -
Usually you can ignore this, it seems to happen when the tracker is overloaded or otherwise flaky.
5,6,7 Problem connecting to tracker - timeout exceeded or HTTP Error 503: Connect failed , or [Errno socket error] (10061, "Connection refused")
There was a problem contacting the tracker. Trackers tend to be heavily loaded, and connections sometimes fail. The best thing to do is just be patient and leave the client open. If you find you're getting this a lot, you can try increasing the HTTP request timeout by adding the parameter "--http_timeout 120" (the default is 60, unit is seconds.)

8.Problem connecting to tracker - HTTP Error 404: Not Found
Probably a stale/outdated torrent. Try to find a new link to the torrent
9.Problem connecting to tracker - HTTP Error 407: Proxy Authentication Required
You may need to configure a username and password for your proxy server setting in order to contact the tracker.

10.Problem connecting to tracker - HTTP Error 400: Not Authorized

This indicates that the administrators of this tracker are not allowing it to be used for this torrent. Some trackers will only track torrents that are also posted in their forums/website, for example. Usually this indicates a stale torrent -- try going to the web site associated with the tracker and see if you can find an updated torren

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